Cuba USA

Spies Who Hate Us Continued....

Received a e-mail concerning " Cuban Espionage in the U.S. " It's a list a links related to this topic. Thanks Padrino for the info and this e-mail originated from La Voz de Cuba Libre.

Manuel Espinosa
Mariano Faget
Ana Belen Montes

BOOKS Spy For Fidel
(Orlando Castro Hidalgo)

Carlos M. Alvarez Sanchez Elsa Prieto Alvarez
Alvarez Espionage Case

Alberto Coll
Navy college scholar lied about Cuba trip
Naval Professor Who Lied Gets Probation
La batalla informativa contra Castro
Slander: The assassination of Alberto Coll
The Cuban Military: An Economic Force
Three Ways Bush Makes Castro Happy
Alberto Coll's treachery
World Events Keep Cuba Off U.S. Radar Screen

Alberto Otto Poland Azoy

Tipo sospechoso

Carlos Rivero Collado
Carlos Rivero Collado fue el que mato a Torriente
(Replica, Nov. 20, 1974)

Comparecencia ante la television cubana
(Abril 29, 1976)

Nelson Pablo Yester Garrido
Former Cuban Intelligence Officer Appears in South African Court
Ex-Cuban spy applies for bail
Cuban 'smuggler' marks time
Cuban 'drug lord' in SA court

Aldereguia claims FBI framed him to get to WFC president
Aldereguia once worked with FBI
Castro Fishing Fleet Used in Subvesion
Castro Planned Raid on Nixon
Castro's spies prowl Miami, defector says
Cuban Secret Police Letter to Spy in Miami Is Found
Cuban Spy Link to Ford, Reagan Death Plot Probed
FBI Asserts Cuba Aided Weathermen
How Fidel Castro Exports Revolution
Informant Says Cuban Spy Aided Terrorists in Ford Murder Plot
Plot Gave Excuse to Kick Out Agents

Agents seize satellite equipment bought by Cuban U.N. diplomat
Businessman's appeal rejected
Castro agents on Miami force, says Carollo
Castro Plan to Destabilize U.S. may be Broadening
Cuban defected?
Cuban Diplomats Expelled for Trade Violations
Cuban envoy expelled for luring illicit trade
Cuban Intelligence has finger in many pies - but record is mixed
Cuban Spies at the U.N.
Cubans Admit to Visa Lies
Cubans' Arrest in Mexico May Strain Close Ties
Customs: Computers on boat may be linked to smuggling network
Dead 'exile' was my spy, Castro says
Did Learjet plan illegal Cuba sales?
Espionaje castrista en Alpha-66
Ex-Spy Blames CIA For Arrest in Cuba
Exile: I was mastermind of Mariel
F.B.I. Agent Says Cuba Officials at U.N. Instructed Weathermen
FBI Identifies Cubans as Spies
FBI set a high-tech trap that snared Cuban diplomat
FBI suspends agent in spy case
Informants scuttle plots against Cuba
Man held in grenade attack linked to alleged Cuban spy
Mystery Cuban found in Keys classified 'top secret'
Smuggling network ships hi-tech to Levis Sources: Mexico ousted Cubans
Spies in Miami?
3 Cuban Nationals Suspected of Spying Are Arrested by FBI
2 Cuban Diplomats Expelled From Mexico
Two Cuban diplomats ordered out of U.S.
U.S. charges espionage, boots 2 Cuba diplomats
U.S. Concerned About Castro Spymaster
U.S.: Defection forces shakeup of Cuba's spies
U.S. expels 2 Cuban diplomats
U.S. expels 2 Cubans at U.N., claims spying
U.S. says 2 Cuban diplomats were spies

Accused leader in shootdown ran Cuban drug probe
Alleged Cuban spies did little damage, Pentagon says
Alleged Cuban spies had escape plan, attorneys say
Castro agents in Miami cited by U.S. grand jury
Castro moles dig deep, not just into exiles
Couple admit role in Cuban spy ring
Crackdown may signal new tactics
FBI: Suspected Cuban spies' plans found on computer disks
Feds arrest 10 on Cuba-spying charge
Gerardo Hernandez
Identities of 3 accused spies still elude feds
In rare admission, Castro says Cuba has dispatched spies across U.S.
John Doe' spying suspect identified
Juan Pablo Roque
Jury selection begins in suspected spy's trial
Lawyer in Cuba spy tale clears security for U.S. nomination
Miscues blamed on military's takeover of Cuban spy agency
Move may be tied to spying probe
No one can match U.S. spying, Cuba retorts
Prosecutors seek to withhold papers
Purported spy visited Miami often as courier
Relatives: Charges fall short
Shadowing of Cubans a classic spy tale
Spies among us
Spy bashes exiles, talks of uncertain future in Cuba
Spy ring for Cuba uncovered
3 Cuban Diplomats Ordered Out of U.S. For Spying
Three Cuban Diplomats Ordered Out of U.S. for Alleged Espionage
10 Accused of Spying for Cuba 10 Arrested On Charges Of Spying For Cuba
10 charged with spying for Cuba
10 charged with spying for Cuba in Miami
Ten Cubans are accused of being spies for Castro
Top spy planned Brothers ambush
U.S. cracks alleged Cuban ring, arrests 10
U.S. hopes Cuba relations survive 'spy' expulsion
U.S. orders expulsion of Cubans
U.S. senator opposes alleged spy as envoy
U.S. tries to tie espionage case to planes' downing
U.S. Weighs Expulsion Of 3 Cuban Diplomats
Witness: I was a Castro spy in foundation

Cuban Espionage Activities Against the U.S.
A Document by Cuban Spy Talks of Acts Against C.I.A.
As Spat Grows, Cuba Accuses U.S. of Meddling
Cuba Denies Charges About Diplomats
Cuban agent eyeing asylum is sent home
Cuban envoys told to leave Cuban spy in U.S. for debriefings
Ex espia denuncia desde La Habana al grupo de Bin Laden
Former Cuban intelligence officer arrested in Dade
Hollywood y el espia que engañó a Miami
Infamous ex-CIA agent Philip Agee resurfaces in Cuba
Infiltration, seduction among Cuban spy tactics in U.S.
Informe de un ex oficial de la inteligencia cubana
Mexico Returns Diplomat To Cuba
Migrants' flight may help Cuban spy's ex-wife, too
U.S. Moves to Expel 4 Cuban Diplomats
U.S. Tells Mexico To Protect Ex-Spy
We don't spy, Cuban envoy to Mexico says
White House Wary of Cuba's Little Spy Engine That Could
Cuestionan a presunto ex espia cubano
Spy work celebrated at museum in Havana
Film: Cuban secret service organized JFK's murder
Espias convictos confirmaran que Aboy era correo de la Red Avispa
Spy suspect denies role for Castro
Judge won't let Cuban spy suspect post bond
En huelga de hambre un acusado de ser agente castrista
Detainee on hunger strike
Juez rompe huelga de hambre de Aboy
Wife: Detainee on hunger strike was force-fed
Official: Cuba cooperation eased deportation

- Sperm Diplomacy....a Sticky Situation
Out of the WTF department, we are now finding out, that one of the convicted Cuban spies that was released was given the "special treatment" and allowed to donate sperm(from prison)to his wife, who is also in the espionage business. I...

- Betrayed Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From the Drudge Report: Alan Gross is released for 3 Cuban spies........ USA to release three Cuban spies... 'Normalize' relationship with Castro... Shockwaves through Miami exile community... Protest In Little Havana... 'Traitor, traitor'......

- " To Whom It May Concern"
To whom it may concern On October 8-9, 2008, U.S. Army counterintelligence officer Lt. Chris Simmons appeared on various Miami Spanish-language television and radio stations to further denounce Cuban spies in the United States. His presentations are posted...

Spies Who Hate Us All those who still believe that espionage is a thing of the past, what do think about the latest roundup? Juan Clark, a sociology professor at Miami-Dade College, nails it: "Maybe this is just the tip of the iceberg that we're...

Appeals court voids Cuban spy decision, will rehear case CURT ANDERSON Associated Press MIAMI - A federal appeals court has agreed to rehear arguments on whether five suspected Cuban spies got an unfair trial because of intense publicity, voiding an...

Cuba USA
