Cuba USA

Mini-me wants to change the Venezuelan flag

Now the come mierda wants to change the flag. He wants to add an eighth star to the flag. The dictator wannabe has renamed the congress, renamed Venezuela to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and changed the coat of arms.

- Maduro Gives Ricky Martin A Cuban And Puerto Rican Flag?
WTF moment???  The dictator of Venezuela gives a rambling speech and then gives Ricky Martin a Cuban and Puerto Rican flag????? Your in Venezuela  dude......

- Cubazuela???
Lap dog Felipe Perez Roque made an usual remark at the U(useless) N(nothings). He stated that Cuba is ready to "renounce its sovereignty and its flag." So does that make Mini-me chavez the new dictator of cubazuela or is it Venecuba? God help us!!!!...

- Veterans Day
Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thru...

Billions missing? The Devil's Excrement blog has a post about how billions are missing in Venezuela and how Mini-me is transferring money offshore just like his partner in crime: the dictator. You sneaky rich commies! Here are some excerpts: The...

Mini-me Lovefest The tour of evil continues. The destination: Venezuela The commie propaganda: "fight against neoliberalism and imperialism." We are here to resolve social problems, economic problems," Morales said. "This movement is not only in Bolivia;...

Cuba USA
