Cuba USA

Billions missing?

The Devil's Excrement blog has a post about how billions are missing in Venezuela and how Mini-me is transferring money offshore just like his partner in crime: the dictator. You sneaky rich commies!

Here are some excerpts:

The Venezuelan government is engaged in a massive money laundering operation, the object of which is obvious: to set up a pipeline with which to transfer’s Venezuela’s billions of dollars of oil profits overseas for Chavez and corrupt members of the “Bolivarian Elite.” Chavez has a good model for thie endeavor; Cuba’s Fidel Castro and senior Cuban officials are reputed to have millions of dollars in accounts in Panama, Brazil, Canada, the United Kingdom and other countries. Castro himself is believed to be a billionaire.

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Boycott of Citgo From Boycott of Citgo launchedPro-family group leads effort to shun firm run by Venezuela's Chavez Posted: January 31, 20061:00 a.m. Eastern © 2006 A pro-family group has launched a boycott...

Mini-me #3 In Cuba Mini-me #3 arrived in Cuba today on his first official visit abroad. The dictator salivating on another country spiraling down the path of communism. For those who still do not believe that Morales is not a communist, and that their...

Castro and Chavez Swiss Bank Accounts Chavez transferring money from U.S. to a Swiss Bank account, while USB is being investigated concerning $3.9 billion deposited in accounts by the Castro regime. Gee, I wonder if their is a connection or maybe they...

Cuba USA
