Cuba USA

Castro and Chavez Swiss Bank Accounts

Chavez transferring money from U.S. to a Swiss Bank account, while USB is being investigated concerning $3.9 billion deposited in accounts by the Castro regime. Gee, I wonder if their is a connection or maybe they have the same checking and savings accounts benefits?

- Where Are The Changes? French Bank Fined For Processing Cuban Transactions
source Grama  U.S. government levies fines on French bank Crédit Agricole for over a billion dollars PARIS.— The French bank Crédit Agricole agreed yesterday, October 21, to pay fines of over a billion dollars to U.S. authorities, as a result...

- For The Poor?
The biggest myth with Leftist Dictators is that they are for the poor, but as history has shown they just rob from everyone and make the whole population poor. Now check this out: Analyst estimates Chávez’s family fortune at around $2 billionCriminal...

- Hugo "mini-me" Chavez Hires 200 To "manage" His Twitter Account
Hugo "mini-me" hires 200 to manage his twitter account. Mr. "21st century socialist" apparently has not been doing his twittercizes because he has now 200 hired guns to tweet revolutionary nonsense! What really gets me is a quote in this...

Cuba and Venezuela fund Coca leaves Really? I would of never guessed it, what a shock, alert the MSM, wait a minute they still working on the expose of the dictator's $900 million and his bank accounts? MSM currently working on these topics after...

Here's the beef! Who cares if the dictator burns his underwear, here is the real beef from La Nueva Cuba: SOS Justice and the Cuban Movement for a Unified Democracy (MCUD) summons all organizations and individuals that would want to support and/or...

Cuba USA
