Cuba USA


Please sign the petition:

To: International Secretariat 1 Easton Street London, WC1X0DW,UK

The Cuban independent journalist Guillermo Fariñas Hernández who is in a hunger strike without fluids since January 31, is presently in critical condition at the hospital Docente Quirúrgico Arnaldo Milián Castro in the province of Santa Clara. Fariñas who is in critical condition, is conscious and well oriented. He suffered from renal failure for a few hours but intravenous medication helped stabilize said situation, reported today a relative of the independent journalist to the Information Bridge Cuba-Miami.At the present time Fariñas is in isolation, extremely weak, suffering from headaches and pain in his joints, he is bleary and the lack of sensibility in his lower extremities has intensified. Please Help and please sign this petition
The Undersigned

- Petition For The Release Of 22 Cuban Journalists

Prayer Vigil for Farinas A prayer vigil is being held in Cuba for the life of Guillermo Farinas. Still the world is silent for Farinas, and for those who stand up against the dictator. Please pray for Mr. Farinas and please join the fasting chain! "If...

Guillermo Fariñas Hernández on hunger strike since January 31st "If God wants me to die, I will die. I will be a Martyr for the Free information in the World"- Guillermo Fariñas Hernández News out of Cuba is that Mr. Hernandez could die at any moment...

Fariñas Blogburst "If God wants me to die, I will die. I will be a Martyr for the Free information in the World"- Guillermo Fariñas HernándezA man willing to risk his life for something that many of us take for granted: FREEDOM. Please keep Mr....

Do Something! Journalist Guillermo Fariñas Hernández is risking his life and currently on a hunger strike. The media is silent, all the so called activist are silent, Spanish media is silent, religious groups and clergy are silent, and what is really...

Cuba USA
