Cuba USA

Independent Journalist denounces reprisals against his family

From La Nueva Cuba:

Carlos Serpa Maceira, independent journalist with the Agency LUX-INFO-PRESS and Bureau Chief of the Cuba Miami News Bridge denounced in Havana that the government is taking reprisals against his family because of his work as an alternative journalist.

"Last May 11th, I received a telephone from call from my wife Marielena Arredondo, where she told me that electricity services in our home were cut off 15 days ago and have not been reinstated to date, but the other 80 homes around ours have no such problems", stated Serpa.

The Cuba Miami News Bridge Bureau was able to confirm that this is not the first time his family is victim of reprisals by the goverment, that every time Mrs. Arredondo Rivero goes to the offices of the Popular Power to complain they tell her they cannot help her due to her husband's counter evolutionary activities.

"With these actions the government has not taken into consideration that my wife has problems with her eye sight and that my 13 year old daughter Daylin has a frail health. I will continue accusing the Goverment until they can prove otherwise".

The home of journalist's Carlos Serpa Maceira is located in the rural community "Escuela de Cabo", Demajagua Town, 23 km from Nueva Gerona, Capital of Pinar del Rio, his home is headquarters the Cuba Miami News Bridge Bureau, the "Julio Tang Texier" cultural Civic Project and the "Ernest Heminway" Independent Library.

Reporting from Havana Mario Hechavarria Driggs,journalist with The Cuba Miami News Bridge Bureau. Given on the 19thday of May of 2006.

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Cuba USA
