Cuba USA

The dictator's bank

The Real Cuba has information and location of the dictator's bank in England. It seems that defector Manuel de Beunza, who handled finances for the Ministry of Interior, has spilled the beans!

Why is the MSM not all over this? Hey most of the leg work has been done, so stop defending the dictator and forget your obvious bias and spite for Cuban exiles, the point is the dictator has bilked billions from Apartheid Cuba. So much for the 700 pesos a month!

A challenge to the media, who will step up first?

Katie Couric

- "chavez Denies Rumors Of Castro Death"
Mini-me chavez said that the apartheid dictator is" writing, and producing." Producing what? Where is the jello pudding mr. oil pimp? The media should just lay down and accept this because YOU said so! The apartheid dictator is already DEAD symbolically,...

- Dictator Cigar Festival
The annual dictator Cigar festival is in full swing again, but a big difference: No appearance from the dictator and possibly no appearance from raulita. No big Hollywood commies or dictator lovers are not expected also? No photo opportunities with the...

- Surprise!
Please everyone sit down before you hurt yourself! Charles Rangel and Nancy Pelosi are actually taking mini-me to the wood shed! Great, don't stop here let's rip the dictator in Cuber! Hey, the bearded one and his cronies have come in to "our...

- Media Bias
Last night while watching a "certian" Spanish language news program, I was shocked at how with such glee they reported that the dictator was alive and showed that stomach turning video of mini-me and the dictator. The way they potrayed this was sickening...

Dirt on the dictator Don't get me wrong here it's cool that he is spilling the dirt on the dictator, but where's the beef? Yeah, it's weird that he burns his underwear and that he loves Serrano hams. What about all the political prisoners,...

Cuba USA
