Cuba USA

Terrorist Gone...

The terrorist responsible for beheadings and suicide bombings is gone courtesy of 500 pound bombs. For more pictures click here and here.

- Excuse Me "wild Bill" Delahunt?
U.S. Rep. William " wild bill"Delahunt "told a congressional subcommittee that national security laws are being unfairly applied to favor Luis Posada Carriles, who is wanted in Cuba and Venezuela for the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner."What? Did you...

- We Will Never Forget 9/11
We will never forget 9/11! The tinted terrorist Osama Bin Laden responsible for these attacks against America. I will say it again since the media and the general public have become complacent: The tinted terrorist is RESPONSIBLE for the attacks against...

- Terrorist Still In Terrorist Apartheid Cuba
Peace talks? Yeah right! These terrorist from the ELN in Colombia are in a "neutral" Cuba for peace talks? Just a minute, I fell off my chair! Cuba, a country that has fostered terrorist activity and revolutions all over the Americas, an ideal place...

Freedom fighters refused asylum I guess if you stand for democracy and willing to fight for it against overwhelming odds your labeled a terrorist. Yet, when someone marches demanding immediate citizenship, demanding all benefits and more while here illegally...

Mr. "Day-O" calls Bush "Greatest Terrorist" Come mierda Harry Belafonte calls Bush: "Greatest Terrorist in the world" and rambles on: "Viva la revolucion!" Mr. "Day-O" a suggestion to you: Why don't you go live in Cuba or Cubazuela and then criticize...

Cuba USA
