World Learning for Cuba, ¿a new CIA program?
Cuba USA

World Learning for Cuba, ¿a new CIA program?

by Percy Alvarado Godoy 
source Contrainjerencia
translation Tom Whitney

In the new context of relations between the United States and Cuba, no one is surprised that suspicious programs are beginning to appear that are directed toward searching out young Cubans suitable for creating a repository of potential new leaders “for change” — but change is defined according to standards of a war of subversion. These projects end up looking attractive and innocent, but there is an undertone of unhealthy purpose, that of orienting such young people around the values of capitalist and counter-revolutionary political discourse. Thus a notification has just appeared from the non-governmental organization (NGO) World Learning, based in Washington, which has opened up enrollment for its “Summer Program for Young Cubans,” which will run for 30 days, in July and August 2016, in the United States.
The World Learning website ( para-jovenes-cubanos/) explains that this notification goes out on March 1, 2016, and is aimed, specifically, at young Cubans between 16 and 18 years of age who havebeen studying at the secondary or pre-university level. As explained on the website, the basis, really the purpose, for reaching out is to “develop skills in such areas as speaking in public, working as a team, negotiating, promoting consensus, resolution of conflicts,defending one’s own rights, and problem-solving.” 

The website goes on: “Our programs assist the next generation of world leaders in obtaining a better sense of citizen responsibility, establishing relations along ethnic, religious, and national lines, and developing skills and information for transforming theircommunities and countries.” It specifies further that, “These programs center on specific themes and move from citizen participation and voluntary work toward the development of leadership through sports and activism.” 

Those in charge of the website reserve the right of selection after meticulous assessment of the applicants. That’s clear from what appears at the web address (URL) specified by the website in question for applicants’ use, which is: Checkin.aspx?EventID=1789287. Apparently they want to know about the applicant’s academic performance and skills at developing projects beneficial to the school and/or community. They are also looking for an aptitude for working cooperatively within different groups and understanding – but not necessarily accepting – the opinions of others. Nevertheless, two letters of recommendation written by two adults in Cuba are requested. Who they would be or what their political orientation might be is unspecified. That presupposes an explicit trap. 

The NGO World Learning is located at 1015 15th St NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC, 20005,USA. According to Wikipedia’s article on World Learning, the main campus of World Learning is situated north of Brattleboro [Vermont]. 

Nevertheless, behind the [ostensibly] “innocent intentions,” very serious suspicions come to the fore regarding the subversive nature of the program, specifically that it could be part of long-term project of a CIA cover-up organization. This NGO was originallyconnected with the Peace Corps and is a new version of the Delphi International Group. That organization was involved with plans for de-stabilization [all over] undertaken by the CIA and its facades like USAID [United States Agency for International Development] and NED [National Endowment for Democracy]. It’s known that more than 40 World Learning programs are financed by USAID. 

The website denounces this NGO, “formerly known as the Delphi International Group.” The claim is that, “It’s nothing more than a propaganda machine for the CIA and is used so that the Federal government can achieve its generalpolitical objectives on foreign soil.” One example of this political implication, emphasized on the site, played out during the decades of the 1980s when the U. S. government used the Delphi International Group for “promoting democracy” in Nicaragua. 

In an article appearing June 11, 2003, on Voltaire Net (Red Voltaire) (http://, the late Philip Agree, a former CIA agent, revealed how teachers for World Learning, really USAID, NED, and the CIA itself, participated in subversive schemes against Bolivarian Venezuela. 

In any case, this proposal for Cuba requires that we proceed with a watchful eye, and not merely because of this NGO’s predecessors. There is also the fact of its direct ties with the USAID and NED. Those are disguises for subversive CIA operations.

Translator’s Note: Delphi International Group’s transition to World Learning, noted below and occurring in 2001, is detailed in an article which explains that World Learning operates “in more than 130 countries throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East [and has] managed more than $650 million in programs funded by United States government agencies.” At some point, the Experiment in International Living, founded in 1932 in Brattleboro, VT, became World Learning. As a youth, Peace Corps founding director Sargent Shriver joined a project of the Experiment. Thus began, says the World Learning website, a “deep, decades-long partnership between the Peace Corps, The Experiment in International Living, and World Learning.” 

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Cuba USA
