Who's on the other end?
Cuba USA

Who's on the other end?

Click here for the audio and video. Contacto Cuba also has a video concerning the dictator

H/T to Castriniasm and Contacto Cuba.

- Dictator To Mini-me:
We all knew a video of the Adidas clad dictator would surface during the meeting with mini-me chavez. since some of the videos don't have audio, here is the message from the dictator to mini-me: " I have a big bag a shhhh on it for you!"...

- "surprise" Visit From Morales
Evil "Cocaine" Morales made a surprise visit to Cuber today to visit the dictator. Can't wait for the video, just hope they don't have that weird stick or that cheesy music! Update**** New video concerning mini-me and the dictator. H/T to Ya...

- Still Not Convinced!
I know that the apartheid dictator came out on video and had pictures all over the press to prove that he is alive and well. A very good friend of mine, who is scholar, and who is a true freedom lover and fighter pointed out several things. Notice in...

- Video Of Our Blog Father
Val at Babalu is in a video in the AP. The link is not working for some reason and as soon as I fix it will post. Update-- Click here for the video....

- “los Muertos De Castro”
Martha Colmenares blog has this video concerning the atrocities of the dictator and her commentary. Another must see video courtesy of Ya No Mas!...

Cuba USA
