Cuba USA
Who's on the other end?

Click here for the audio and video. Contacto Cuba also has a video concerning the dictator
H/T to Castriniasm and Contacto Cuba.
Dictator To Mini-me:
We all knew a video of the Adidas clad dictator would surface during the meeting with mini-me chavez. since some of the videos don't have audio, here is the message from the dictator to mini-me: " I have a big bag a shhhh on it for you!"...
"surprise" Visit From Morales
Evil "Cocaine" Morales made a surprise visit to Cuber today to visit the dictator. Can't wait for the video, just hope they don't have that weird stick or that cheesy music! Update**** New video concerning mini-me and the dictator. H/T to Ya...
Still Not Convinced!
I know that the apartheid dictator came out on video and had pictures all over the press to prove that he is alive and well. A very good friend of mine, who is scholar, and who is a true freedom lover and fighter pointed out several things. Notice in...
Video Of Our Blog Father
Val at Babalu is in a video in the AP. The link is not working for some reason and as soon as I fix it will post. Update-- Click here for the video....
“los Muertos De Castro”
Martha Colmenares blog has this video concerning the atrocities of the dictator and her commentary. Another must see video courtesy of Ya No Mas!...
Cuba USA