Translation: Guidelines debate 16, Health/Sport
Cuba USA

Translation: Guidelines debate 16, Health/Sport

Here is Part 16 of my translation of the booklet Information on the results of the Debate on the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines for the Party and the Revolution, an explanatory document published together with the final version of the Guidelines adopted by the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) Congress in April.

The format is as follows: number and text of the draft guideline, followed by the text and number of the corresponding guideline approved by the Communist Party Congress, followed by the drafting commission's explanation for the change. You'll find it easiest to read on my blog where the amended guidelines are in bold font.


143. Improve the quality of service provided and promote savings, the efficient utilisation of resources and the elimination of unnecessary spending.

Improve the quality of service provided, satisfy the population and improve the working conditions and attention to health personnel. Ensure the efficient use of resources and the elimination of unnecessary spending. (154)

Improves the wording and incorporates that related to the satisfaction of the population, the improvement of working conditions and attention to health personnel. Given 16,600 opinions nationwide.

144. Reorganise health services on a regional and local basis and make efficient use of the available health technologies. Promote clinical diagnosis and use the equipment for complementary studies rationally, especially the most costly technologies. Consolidate and ensure compliance with the protocols for illnesses.

Reorganise, compact and regionalise health services on the basis of the needs of each province and municipality, including emergency wards and ambulance services. Ensure that the Health System itself provides every patient with the necessary care. (155)

Incorporates the necessary transformations, including ambulance services and emergency wards in the Health System, and that this system provides every patient with the care they need. Given 10,665 opinions nationwide. The reference to clinical diagnosis is included in the new guideline 156.

New guideline:

Consolidate the teaching and use of the clinical and epidemiological method and the study of the social environment in the approach to the health problems of the population, so that they contribute to the rational use of medical technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. (156)

Incorporates the teaching and use of the clinical and epidemiological method and broadens that related to its use. Given 195 opinions in 14 provinces, those of three National Assembly of Peoples Power deputies and the Congress analysis.

145. Continue the use of educational spaces to discourage self-medication among the population, and implement other measures that contribute to the rational consumption of medications.

Continue the use of educational spaces to discourage self-medication among the population, and implement other measures that contribute to the rational use of medications. (157)

Changes “consumption” to “use” to make it more encompassing and incorporates rationality in the labelling of drugs. [The latter reference to drug labelling does not appear in the amended guideline, pointing to an error in the editing process – translator’s note].

146. Give maximum attention to the development of natural and traditional medicine. (Maintained as guideline 158)

147. Boost activities aimed at promotion and prevention that reduce or avoid the appearance of non-transmissible chronic illnesses and their consequences.

Boost health activities aimed at promotion and prevention to improve lifestyles with cross-sectoral and community participation, to contribute to a healthier population. (159)

Broadens the scope of the guideline. In response to 311 opinions nationwide, those of two National Assembly deputies as well as the Congress analysis.

148. Adjust careers in medical specialties, above all in health technologies, to the needs of the country.

Ensure that the training of medical specialists accords with the needs of the country and those that flow from international commitments. (160)

Modified, given that undergraduate training is taken up in the amended guideline 150 which specifies that the training of medical specialists must correspond with the country’s needs. Given 937 opinions nationwide.


The encouragement and promotion of physical culture and sports in all their manifestations will be prioritised, as means to educate the population and promote the integral development of the citizens.

149. Focus attention on mass participation in sports and physical activity, through the reorganisation of the sports system and the restructuring of its network of sports centres.

Prioritise the encouragement and promotion of physical culture and sports in all their manifestations as means to improve the quality of life, educate the population and promote the integral development of the citizens. For this it will be necessary to focus attention on mass participation in sports and physical activity through the reorganisation of the sports system and the restructuring of its network of sports centres. (161)

Includes themes that appear in the introduction to the guidelines on sports and specifies their contribution to the quality of life. In response to 918 opinions nationwide.

150. Boost quality in the training of athletes and athletics teachers, as well as in the organisation of events and competitions where spending must be rational.

Boost quality and rigour in the training of athletes and athletics teachers, as well as in the organisation of events and competitions where spending must be rational. (162)

Incorporates “rigour” in the training of athletes and teachers and in their participation in national and international events, as proposed by two National Assembly deputies and the Congress analysis.

With regard to sports-people and trainers being hired outside Cuba [as individuals rather than as part of solidarity cooperation agreements – translator’s note], diverse proposals were received on its inclusion or otherwise in the Guidelines. This is a matter that will continue to be studied. There were 3,109 opinions expressed throughout the country.

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Cuba USA
