There is everything in politics / Frei Betto
Cuba USA

There is everything in politics / Frei Betto

by Frei Betto
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

We are in an election year. In October we will elect mayors and councilors. Although some do not want to hear about politics it is worthwhile remembering that there is politics in everything. For example, a couple on their honeymoon, do not necessarily question politics but the quality of the hotel they are staying in relates to
politics. My 98 year old grandfather has not the least idea that the quality of his morning coffee is related to politics. But it does. Politics is a two edged machete, as said in Minas Gerais. It serves to oppress and liberate. It is like religion that serves to oppress or liberate. A certain Marxist tradition was a mistaken affirmation that religion is alienation. Soon it was discovered that relation was also an instrument of liberation. These are not my words; they belong to Frederick Engels (companion of Karl Marx in writing The Capital) in a little book that the socialist world has barely circulated entitled Primitive Christianism.

Fidel Castro gave Pope Francisco, during his visit to Cuba in September of 2015, the book Fidel and Religion in which the communist head of state speaks positively of religion. This year it will be re edited in Brazil.

In the many examples to observe politics, one is the most curious: December recalls dates of number 10, of November 9, of October 8 and September 17and how many months this year? Twelve. There is the politics: the year has ten months. Emperor Julius Caesar called upon the astronomers of the Empire and said: “Invent an homage to me”. They pondered long and introduced the month of July. When he died Julius Caesor was succeeded by Emperor Augustus who also asked the astrologist saying if July has his name I also deserve one”.

And since imperial orders are what they are and no one wants his head cut off they added the month of August. But once the fear was overcome they presented the emperor with a chronological problem. There was an alternation in the days of each month, January had 31 then 30, 31, 30 and July and August are the only months in the year in which the number 31 is repeated. How was this possible? By imperial orders they were told “Fix it “and the astronomers fixed it by taking a day off February.

We may not know that politics is in everything, but it is. Because the human being has not invented it – and believes he would not – and find another way of organizing his social coexistence if not through politics.

There are many persons, mostly young people, who are against politics because they watch the news that talk of corruption, of theft, nepotism, physiology, etc. But I always remind them that: anyone who has an aversion for politics ends up being governed by it. And precisely they want the bad politicians to stir this aversion because they think they have the largest piece of the pie.

Remember this! When you or your friends say they want nothing of politics and I will not go to vote, or will annul my vote, you are falling into the hands of the bad politicians. They are giving them carte blanche for a policy that predominated in the country.
There is no political neutrality. There is a false idea of neutrality. But somehow each person acts in the politics of the country, for better or for worse.

In the end, these persons occupied the National Congress. All entered through the votes of the electors. Then they question that it also consists of analyzing why the voters go so wrong. A political cause.
Because we live in a world in which politics is controlled by a minority. Brazil is no exception. But that is another story and it has a name: political reform.

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