The Adidas wearing dictator comes out in video
Cuba USA

The Adidas wearing dictator comes out in video

The dictator finally comes out in video and just in time for the "Today" show that airs on Tuesday. Coincidence, no, everything carefully crafted with the useful tools and the useful idiots for propaganda.

- "fidel Castro Says U.s. Fooled World Over 9/11"
What mr. reflective adidas wearing dictator? "In an essay read by a Cuban television presenter on Tuesday night, Castro said the Pentagon was hit by a rocket, not a plane, because no traces were found of its passengers." Well mr. ghost writer, it looks...

- Dictator Dead Or Having More Sugery?
The Adidas wearing dictator was a no-show on his Birthday. Rumors are abuzz that he's dead, or that he was whisked away for more surgery(Outside of Cuba of course!). El Cafe Cubano believes that the dictator is still alive physically, but does not...

- The Dictator Is Not Marching…
The Adidas wearing dictator must be in bad shape. He is telling his fellow thugs to march on! His “reflective”essays in the piece of crap Granma again show us how pompous and selfish this regime has been. THEY don’t care about Cuba nor the Cuban...

- Still Not Convinced!
I know that the apartheid dictator came out on video and had pictures all over the press to prove that he is alive and well. A very good friend of mine, who is scholar, and who is a true freedom lover and fighter pointed out several things. Notice in...

Dictator video Enrique at Down with Castro/Abajo fidel has a video of the dictator on the Ed Sullivan show. Notice the dictator's response to Mr. Sullivan: "Very easy, not permitting any dictatorship to rule our country" Excuse me I just choked on...

Cuba USA
