Cuba USA
Support Cuban bloggers
Translating Cuba bloggers |
Since Yoani Sanchez launched her blog
Generaion Y in April, 2007, the Cuban blogosphere has grown to represent a variety of points of view and voices and played an increasingly important role in public discussion. One can discover blogs in collections like the state-run Reflejos blogging platform, the English language Translating Cuba site, Desde Cuba or elsewhere.
Internet access is extremely expensive for bloggers in Cuba.
While Cuban connectivity prices are among the highest in the world, those of us living outside of Cuba can afford to support bloggers we like and at least two companies, and allow us to donate Internet-access minutes to Cubans.
If you like what a Cuban blogger is saying, "top up" his or her Internet account.
"generacion Y" Blog Blocked In Apartheid Cuba
The kindlier and gentler apartheid regime of raulita has blocked the blog of Yoani Sanchez inside of Cuba. While the media and some bloggers are praising raulita like he's some sort of saint or the catalyst for FREEDOM. He's using the Chinese...
Dictator Is Dead Part Iii
My freedom-loving brethren again I am going to repeat: I do not believe the dictator is dead! If he were do you think we would be informed in a timely manner? My next rant is concerning the commie bloggers that are now starting to pop up in Cuba. Who...
Can There Be A Uniquely Cuban Internet?
I don't criticize to knock the system down. On the contrary, I criticize to perfect the system. Cuban blogger Carlos Alberto Pérez The first instance of citizen journalism on the Internet was during the Soviet Coup attempt of 1991, where it was used...
Blog Bang Cuba: A Cuban Blogging Documentary
Claudio Peláez Sordo has made a documentary on Cuban blogging for his masters thesis at the University of Havana. It shows interview snippets of specialists and bloggers who access the Internet from school or work accounts controlled by the Cuban government....
Committee To Protect Journalists Report On Cuba
The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has just released a special report called After the Black Spring, Cuba's New Repression by Karen Phillips. The title refers to the recent release of the last of 29 journalists who were jailed in 2003. ...
Cuba USA