Statement from Ministry of Foreign Relations Director for the United States, Josefina Vidal Ferreiro
Cuba USA

Statement from Ministry of Foreign Relations Director for the United States, Josefina Vidal Ferreiro


We are concerned to have learned of the communiqué released to the press April 8, in Washington, which states that USAID sub-contractor, Alan Gross, imprisoned in Cuba for the last four years and four months, began a hunger strike last week. 
The Cuban government reiterates its disposition to seek, in conjunction with the United States government, a solution to the case of Mr. Gross, one which would be acceptable to both parties, which reflects Cuba’s humanitarian concerns related to the case of the three Cubans, from among The Five, who have been unjustly imprisoned in the United States for more than 15 years.

As is known, Mr. Gross has received respectful and decorous treatment. Since his arrest, he has been held in reclusion in a hospital, not because his health conditions require it, but because specialized treatment, by highly qualified medical and healthcare personnel, can be guaranteed for him there.

Alan Gross is in good physical condition; his health is normal and stable. His chronic illnesses, common given his age, and for which he is receiving medical treatment, are under control. He has been visited by his spouse and lawyer, with whom he additionally maintains regular telephone and electronic communication, as he does with other relatives and friends. He has access to consular services from U.S. diplomats on a monthly basis and has been visited by political and religious figures.

Mr. Gross was arrested, prosecuted and sentenced for violating Cuban laws, while implementing a subversive program, financed by the United States government, via the establishment of an illegal, undercover communications system, with the use of non-commercial technology. April 8, 2014

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Cuba USA
