Stand up Venezuela!!!!!!!
Cuba USA

Stand up Venezuela!!!!!!!

"Wake up, stand up for your rights" Venezuela! Do this before the oil pimp dictator takes over and destroys your beautiful country piece by piece! The soul of your country is at risk, do something before you country becomes like Cuba. All dictators hate their country and even worse hate their own people. Mao hated and destroyed China, Hitler hated and destroyed Germany, Pol Pot hated and destroyed Cambodia, Ortega hated and destroyed Nicaragua(He will do it again!), and the crusty apartheid dictator hates Cuba and he has destroyed Cuba.

Don't count on the media and the world, they will do nothing for your country. TAKE YOUR COUNTRY BACK BEFORE IT'S TO LATE!!!!!!!

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- The Dictator Left Off The Parade Magazine List..
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- Vote No Venezuela!
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- The Adidas Wearing Blogging Dictator
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Cuba USA
