Press Release by the Cuban Delegation on talks with the US about bilateral and cooperation issues
Cuba USA

Press Release by the Cuban Delegation on talks with the US about bilateral and cooperation issues

source MINREX

On January 22, 2015, the delegations from the United States and Cuba, headed respectively by Roberta S. Jacobson, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs; and Josefina Vidal Ferreiro, Director-General of the US Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, held an exchange on other bilateral issues, including some areas of cooperation of mutual interest. 

Both delegations reviewed the status of cooperation in different areas, such as aviation security and safety and the response to oil spills. They also identified other areas in which there is a potential to establish or expand bilateral cooperation, such as the combat of drug-trafficking, terrorism and epidemics. With regard to the latter, the Cuban delegation suggested having a meeting in order to define the modalities of cooperation, with the purpose of efficiently and effectively coping with the Ebola virus.
The Cuban delegation reiterated the willingness on the part of the Cuban authorities to exchange with their US counterparts on seismic monitoring, protected marine areas and hydrography, and also participate in joint researches on marine species.

Furthermore, the Cuban delegation suggested to establish a scientific cooperation in a number of areas such as the protection of the environment, the mitigation of the impact of climate change and the prevention of natural disasters.

The Cuban representatives expressed their willingness to discuss the delimitation of the Eastern Gap in the Gulf of Mexico and showed their interest in the next steps required for the implementation of a Pilot Plan to establish mail service between the two countries.

When addressing the topics on which both countries have different conceptions, the Cuban delegation expressed its serious concerns about the guarantee and protection of human rights in the United States. It emphasized the persistent illegal character of detentions at the Guantanamo Naval Base and the recognized acts of torture committed there against prisoners; as well as the ever more alarming cases of brutality and police abuse as the ones seen in the recent events occurred in Ferguson and New York, which show the worsening of racism and racial discrimination. 

Likewise, the Cuban delegation recalled the differentiated racial pattern followed in the application of the death penalty in that country, particularly against Afro-Americans, Latinos, members of other minority groups, sick persons and minors. Besides, it also expressed its concern about unequal pay in the United States, for women are paid 25% less salary as compared to men for a similar job; as well as about child work and the restrictions to the exercise of trade union freedom and collective bargaining, among other issues. 

The Cuban delegation suggested to have a respectful and reciprocal dialogue about this issue in the future, building up on the positive experience achieved in Cuba with regard to the enjoyment of human rights and our contribution to the improvement of these rights in many countries of the world.

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Cuba USA
