NON-Historic Day!
Cuba USA

NON-Historic Day!

The news media all abuzz and throwing words like Historic a thousand times concerning the Embassy opening. Biff and Jane spouting that this is wonderful and singing kumbaya.


This has changed NOTHING for the Cuban people

- Foul Ball.......obama To Attend Rays-cuba Game In Havana On March 22
    It's very sad everyone is throwing the word "HISTORIC" around in regards to the announcement of the Tampa Bay Rays playing in Cuba and to add insult to injury, Obama will attend the game, legitimizing the circus and...

- Obama To Visit Cuba In March
Obama plans to visit Cuba in March and the news media again triumphantly trumpeting the word "HISTORIC"........yet many of us feel like a machete has pierced us right through the back! Is Obama again legitimizing a cruel communist dictatorship?...

- Historic Arrest In Cuba
Last Friday the word "HISTORIC" was blindly used by newscasters and journalist in describing the US Embassy opening in Havana. A poem was even read by a Cuban-American(my poem was not recited) even though dissidents were left out of the ceremonies....

- Cuba For Dummies
    I don't know how much I can STOMACH the word Historic on the embassy opening in Havana, and  the obligatory 3 classic cars strategically placed in the background for millions to see.  In reality a NON-HISTORIC SAD...

- Historic Day In Cuba?
The word HISTORIC is being said a thousand times today, but in reality a NON-HISTORIC SAD day for freedom. If you think different than that of the dictatorship in Cuba and that of the Obama regime, you are NOT even considered in regards to Cuba. I am...

Cuba USA
