Machete in the Back
Cuba USA

Machete in the Back

Yesterday Obama visited the Our Lady of Charity shrine in Miami, a VERY symbolic and SACRED place for the Cuban Exile community. Now because of this visit many are calling this a “symbolic” visit or an “olive branch” extended out to the Cuban Exile community because of Obama’s move to normalize relations with the dictatorship of Cuba.
On the outside, it seems warm, and fuzzy. The first President to visit the shrine, but a DEEP DOWN feeling that I have is that of a MACHETEpiercing through my back.
-Well let’s see…..The US is about to drop Cuba form the State sponsor of terrorism. What a coincidence that TODAY is the last day of the 45 day period that congress could of challenged the President’s decision to remove Cuba form the state sponsored terror list.
- Obama opened the door for the normalization of relations between Cuba and the US.
-Basically the President  ignored and left out the Cuban exile community and the people of Cuba.
But….Alfredo, the president visited our shrine and said “hola” to those in the church!  Yes, and the dictator Fidel and his revolutionaries came down the mountain all wearing rosaries…..and 56 years later …the nightmare continues!!!

- Statement By The Ministry Of Foreign Relations In Cuba On Obama´s Decision
source MINREX Statement relating to the decision by the President of the United States, Barack Obama, to remove Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 In the afternoon of Tuesday, April 14, 2015, it was learned that...

- Cuban Officials Say The U.s. Has Made Some Positive First Steps, But Normal Relations Are Still A Long Way Off.
source telesur Cuban officials say the U.S. has made some positive first steps, but normal relations are still a long way off. The United States must remove Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism, a top Cuban official said ahead of historic...

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Cuba USA
