Live debate on Cuba moderated by Aaron Brown
Cuba USA

Live debate on Cuba moderated by Aaron Brown

Dear Alfredo,

PBS WIDE ANGLE correspondent Aaron Brown will host a live debate on BlogTalk Radio this Thursday at 11:00 a.m. EST. The topic: should the U.S.lift the trade embargo on Cuba? Brown will moderate a discussion betweenPhil Peters, author of the blog The Cuban Triangle, who advocateslifting the embargo, and Mauricio Claver-Carone, author of the blogCapitol Hill Cubans, who believes the embargo should be maintained.Click on the following link for a full description on the WIDE ANGLEwebsite:

As an active blogger involved in the US-Cuba policy discussion and the Cuban-American community, we would love for you to participate in theshow. You can do so live by calling 718-506-1351 between 11:00 and 11:30a.m. EST to join in the discussion. If you are busy during that time,send us your questions in advance and Aaron Brown will ask them on yourbehalf during the show. You can do this by commenting here:, or via Twitter using #VictoryIsYourDuty.

Please help us spread the word about the debate. If you can post thisinformation on your blog, we'd be most appreciative. Please also forwardthis e-mail to anyone else who is interested in this topic and mightlike to participate in the show. Don't hesitate to contact me with anyquestions.

The debate follows the broadcast of the film Victory Is Your Duty, whichgoes inside the Havana Boxing Academy on the outskirts of Cuba's capitalto watch as boys hand-picked as future Olympians are molded intosoldiers of the ring. For the 2009 encore presentation of the film, hostAaron Brown travels to Miami to tell the story of what happens when graduates of Havana's boxing academies grow up - and defect to theUnited States. Read more about the film at, orcheck your local listings for air times.

Best regards,
Ben Travers

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Cuba USA
