Juanes Saga
Cuba USA

Juanes Saga

Juanes reported to police that he received a threat on his twitter due to his singing in Cuba in September. This is not right and El Café Cubano categorically denounces any form or threats of violence against Juanes. This loony act does not help our cause, if in fact it was a Cuban-American?

Now this does not change how I feel concerning Juanes singing in Cuba. Well, it’s not the fact that he is going to sing in Cuba, but the VENUE: La plaza de la revolucion. This plaza to all FREEDOM-loving Cubans represents a system that has executed tortured, and ransacked the Cuban people for 50 years. To add insult to injury no Cuban musician who is opposed to the dictatorship has been asked to play, only those musicians who are comfy with the dictatorship. I find it hard to believe that NO politics are involved here?

Funny how this blog has been in existence for 4 years and I have been called every name in the book and “gusano” countless times, and I fear what may happen …and that’s o.k.? What about those who have spoken out against the dictatorship and now are in prison…where’s the outrage or concern?

- Juanes Got A Crumb Of The Repression
How many times have people rolled their eyes while we are explaining the horrors and the repression at the hands of the dictatorship? How many times over and over are we ignored and called “extremist” or crazy? I remember being laughed out of a...

- Thoughts About The Concert
I have to give credit to Juanes for having the balls to say “Cuba libre” twice and did you see the reaction from Olga Tanon! Raulita must have had a hissy fit hearing the words “libertad” and they probably had to resuscitate the crusty dictator...

- Decadence Video From Cuba
"Paz Sin Fronteras" (Peace Without Borders) concert is scheduled for Havana, Cuba Sept. 20 featuring Juanes. We have been continuously told that this concert is strictly non political, just music, yet the concert is going to be held at the Plaza of the...

- Enrique Santos Y Juanes Conversaron Sobre El Tema Del Concierto Que El Artista Ofrecerá En La Isla De Cuba
My FREEDOM Loving brethren what do you think about this interview? Juanes might have good intentions, but he still doesn't get the hurt felt among Cubans. YEAH, YEAH, I keep hearing it's not political... I can see it now...Juanes singing...

- Juanes Wants To Do A Concert In Cuba
From the San Francisco Chronicle: Colombian rocker Juanes wants to hold his second Peace Without Borders concert in Havana's storied Revolution Plaza next month with a host of regional stars. He says he has met with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary...

Cuba USA
