John "boy" does it again!
Cuba USA

John "boy" does it again!

Grabbing headlines John "boy" Parke Wright donned a Santa Claus outfit and gave presents to children on Sunday(I thought it was Three Kings Day) at a convent. Who outlawed Christmas for MANY years? Of course the article mentions the pesky embargo and how John "boy "Wright travels to the island several times a year to represent his Florida cattle business."

Wow, great PR! Who cares about the lack of FREEDOM and the political prisoners!

- Trade Fair In Cuba
Here we have a picture of John "boy"Parke Wright, a farmer from Florida riding a horse in Cuba. Isn't that special? 100 businesses from the U.S. in Cuba participating in the apartheid dictatorship trade fair. All we hear about is "poor me" in regards...

- Trading With Apartheid Cuba....
Just because Mr. strickland is the grandson of Andrew Jackson Strickland, we are suppose to say: "All right bubba, go to cuber and trade away with ramon el jamon castro!" Stop the crap, if you just want to make a buck, just be honest and say so! Stop...

- Shaking Hands With The Apartheid Dictatorship
Here we have ramon "el jamon" castro shaking hands with U.S. cattle farmer John Parke at the apartheid dictatorship agricultural fair in Havana. I wonder if these "trade show" representatives would shake hands like this with the Damas de Blanco, Dr....

- Cheesy Photo With "el Jamon"
Isn't this special, here we have Ramon "El jamón" Castro with Florida businessman John Parke Wright. What embargo? Don't you love the all these photo ops with "businessman" donning guayaberas smiling and getting cozy with the apartheid regime!...

Dealing with the Devil Governor John Baldacci of Maine signed a trade agreement with Cuba last Sunday. Even before reading the article, I knew what the Governor had to do in exchange: "normalization of relations with communist Cuba must come one step...

Cuba USA
