huelga de hambre iniciada el 17 de febrero de 2009
Cuba USA

huelga de hambre iniciada el 17 de febrero de 2009

Jorge Luis García Pérez ( “Antúnez”) has been on a hunger strike since February 19, 2009. He was attacked by the commie state security agents in the early hours of March 25th...Yet his strike and the attack are basically ignored by the international media. The Adidas clad dictator writes a "reflection" by his ghost writer and it's ALL over the news, Google and the Drudge report!
A Cuban citizen standing up for his rights and fighting back is not considered news worthy?
To the international media: Get off your asses and report he truth! Why can't you REALLY back the oppressed instead of the oppressors?
To my fellow FREEDOM fighters: How long has El Cafe Cubano asked you to join the weekly FRIDAY FAST for all political prisoners in Cuba?...yet no response or what's worse complete silence. Get off your asses!!!!

- Friday Fast For All Political Prisoners In Cuba
After a long absence, El Cafe Cubano is going to resume the Friday FAST for ALL the political prisoners in Cuba and hopefully soon a FREE Cuba. My fellow FREEDOM fighters their have been some misconceptions concerning the fast. First: "Do I have to...

- Breaking News From Cuba-friday Fast For All Political Prisoners And For A Free Cuba
For years El Cafe Cubano and many others have fasted on fridays as a small gesture in honor of ALL those who have sacrificed so much in the struggle for a FREE Cuba! The Friday fast will begin again this Friday!  Will you join us? Will...

- Friday Fast In Honor Of Orlando Zapata Tamayo And All Political Prisoners In Cuba
Orlando Zapata Tamayo dies on a hunger strike! Guillermo Fariñas is currently on a hunger strike! The Ladies in White beaten by the commie thugs!  What are YOU doing about it? Please join this Friday's fast in honor of Orlando...

- "fidel Castro Says U.s. Fooled World Over 9/11"
What mr. reflective adidas wearing dictator? "In an essay read by a Cuban television presenter on Tuesday night, Castro said the Pentagon was hit by a rocket, not a plane, because no traces were found of its passengers." Well mr. ghost writer, it looks...

Media Silence Many of the bloggers have commented on the lack of media coverage concerning the hunger strike. Where are Lucia Newman, Wolfman Blitzer, and all the so called journalist? OOPs, I forgot, freedom loving Cuban-Americans are not news worthy....

Cuba USA
