Gay Ole time!
Cuba USA

Gay Ole time!

raulita axed(i am not talking about the recent approval for surgeries for removing the private part!) the first gay pride parade in Cuba!

How dare them!

gay activist here in the U.S. are angry and are condemning raulita's and marielo's decision to cancel this event and they should be...but why not the indignation concerning the atrocities for the last 49 years! Everyone knows of the persecution of gays inflicted by this brutal regime!

and even sadder... the Catholic church is condemning Cuba's SUPPOSED openness towards gays, but murder, political prisoners, stealing, and lack of FREEDOM is not of concern?

- Sank You Bery Much .....i Think?
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- "cuba Release 'could Lead To Us Lifting Embargo"
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- "cuba Performing State-backed Sex Changes"
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- "pope Lauds Cuba's 'signs Of Openness"-what???
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- Thanks For Nothing Cardinal Bertone!
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Cuba USA
