Everything Hunky dory in China?
Cuba USA

Everything Hunky dory in China?

This post is for those who foam all over China and who root for China just because you HATE the U.S.A. What about all those who claim to be christian yet silent on these issues:

Bibles are prohibited

China's one child policy

Athletes are forbidden from wearing any religious items(No crosses!!!)

More than 30,000 surveillance cameras

Restriction of Internet

- China Selling Powdered Remains Of Aborted Babies In Pills As Health Supplement
From Spirit Daily: The South Korean government revealed Monday that it recently seized thousands of capsules filled with the powdered flesh of dead babies. Reportedly, some people believe the powder has medicinal purposes and was created in northeastern...

- Can You Believe This?
For those who think that China is a kinder and gentler place now or those who boast "we should be like China!" China is raising the fines on those who have more than one child. It's a crime to have more than one child? Do they think they are God for...

- Does Anyone Else See The Danger With China?
Please read this with a whisper, no, no, in a lower whisper! The media hushes this and all the commie lovers are SILENT. First it was the TAINTED dog food, now we find out that NO standard safety regulations with Beijing on food and with drugs. What?...

Three Jailed for Printing Bibles Three people jailed for printing bibles in China. Commies fear anything that has to with God and the bible. Please do not e-mail that China does have religious freedom. No they don't, neither does Cuba, what they...

- Chinese Technology Companies In Cuba -- What Are They Doing?
Jennifer Hernandez of the Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies at the University of Miami has posted a note on her research on Chinese Technology Companies in Cuba. She notes that "through bilateral trade agreements, China has been expanding...

Cuba USA
