El Cafe Cubano under Construction
Cuba USA

El Cafe Cubano under Construction

El Cafe Cubano blog has been under construction for the last several months. Due to the format change and the constant hack job attempts by the commies, most of my original links have been lost.
If you don't see your link, I apologize and I am slowly adding the links that had been removed. If you don't see your link, please shoot me a quick email with your blog or website, and I will add it ASAP.

Thanks and Viva Cuba libre!

- 10th Anniversary Of El Café Cubano…sad Day
This August marks the 10th anniversary of the El Café Cubano blog. To me a sad day because Cuba, still after 56 years is in the grip of an outlaw criminal regime. PLEASE, there is no justification for the revolution and it’s crimes. The SOLE objective...

- A Cuban Rap!!!
All this talk about the USAID trying to infiltrate the Cuban rap scene, El Cafe Cubano decided to pen a RAP in dedication to the AP, Silvio, and all those who stand in the way for Cuba's FREEDOM. Yo, yo,....please before I start the rap, you NEED...

- El Cafe Cubano Back On Again!
  Due to technical difficulties, El Cafe Cubano Blog was off the air for 2 weeks. No matter the hack job attempts ,no mater the same old threatening rhetoric emails, El Cafe Cubano will still plug way. Cuba will be FREE, good will...

- 7th Anniversary Of El Café Cubano…sad Day
This August marks the 7th anniversary of the El Café Cubano blog. To me a sad day because Cuba, still after 53 years is in the grip of an outlaw criminal regime. PLEASE, there is no justification for the revolution and it’s crimes. The SOLE...

- 4th Anniversary Of El Café Cubano…sad Day
This month marks the 4th anniversary of the El Café Cubano blog. To me a sad day because Cuba, still after 50 years is in the grip of an outlaw criminal regime. PLEASE, there is no justification for the revolution and it’s crimes. The SOLE objective...

Cuba USA
