Doctor Darsi Ferrer imprisoned
Cuba USA

Doctor Darsi Ferrer imprisoned


In a communication established with Havana this afternoon, we were notified that on Tuesday, July 21st Doctor Darsi Ferrer and Yusnaimy his wife were arrested.
Via a telephone call, Lázaro Prieto, President of CAPPF and CDHD 2506 Director in Cuba, informed me of the details of the unexpected arrest.
Prieto Alvarez stated that yesterday during the morning hours, a political police officer showed up at the home of Doctor Ferrer and his wife with the intention of handing them a citation considered urgent.
The citation required that both of them appear at the Unit of the Revolutionary National Police (PNR), known as Aguilera, in the neighborhood of Lawton, municipality of 10 de Octubre.
Lázaro informed us that Ferrer’s wife was under the impression that the citation was for the purpose of clarifying the origin of materials that they had in their possession and were confiscated during the violent raid and bruising they suffered last week at the hands of the same authorities.
Once again it was in fact an orchestrated deception by the Cuban repressive forces, because Ferrer’s wife was allowed to leave the precinct shortly after being interrogated, the case was not the same for Darsi, even when they promised her that after some "rigorous" questioning, they would do the same (release) with her husband.
Today July 22nd, also in the morning hours, the same hired repressor from Tuesday, once again appeared at the home of the Ferrer family with a citation for both of them.
This official informed Darsi’s wife that the Prosecutor's Office had issued preventive prison sentence for her spouse, having already transferred him to the Prisión de Valle Grande in the Cuban capital, and that she should head to the prison and request a visit for inmates, and thus be able to deliver personal hygiene necessities to her confined husband.
During previous months, we have alerted the international community of the vertiginous increase in repression against peaceful activists inside of Cuba.
With urgent concern, our organization has throughout informed the media and provided detailed information on the harassment and persecutions unleashed by these same police authorities, whose clear purpose is to try to silence and force into submission, those who clamor for freedom from repression.
Join our effort and struggle by demanding the immediate release of Doctor Ferrer, as well as the immediate and unconditional release of all political and prisoners of conscience, who are unfairly and arbitrarily confined in Castro’s dungeons.
We must once and for all demand that these repressive practices cease and demand the return of a true state of Rights for all the people of Cuba.

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Cuba USA
