Cuba USA


Here are the two tyrants discussing all the evil plots and how to silence opposition, meanwhile nothing has changed politically and repression wise, as I pointed out earlier, notice the change in color in the office furniture! The new dictator seems to like red and has his bumbling brother wearing sporty warm up outfits, and having the self described macho man holding hands with mini-me in a soap opera low light. Change has come to Cuber, but only in office furniture, floral arrangements, sporty and trendy dictator outfits, and the lovey dovey holding hands hallmark moments between tyrants.

Atrocities still are being committed, political prisoners are still being held, no freedom of press, the apartheid system of Cuba still functions, and DEMOCRACY and FREEDOM are still the goals of all Cubans!!!!!!!

- When The Walls Come Crumbling Down....
The Adidas wearing apartheid dictator blames the U.S. on the events that occurred on Saturday at the airport. This regime has blamed everyone and anything for the continuous fiasco's that they have forced upon the Cuban people. No, the blame falls...

- History Repeats Itself
The dictator in Iran is holding a "conference" on whether the holocaust took place. Among the participants is none other than David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan leader. Incredible that this is going on and none of the major media outlets are blasting...

- U.s. Beats Cuber
The U.S. beats Cuber 8-5 in baseball yesterday in apartheid Cuba. No pictures of the dictator in a sporty addidas outfit? No video of mini-me and the dictator in the latest segment of "Dictators in Love" crying over the outcome of this game?...

- Still Not Convinced!
I know that the apartheid dictator came out on video and had pictures all over the press to prove that he is alive and well. A very good friend of mine, who is scholar, and who is a true freedom lover and fighter pointed out several things. Notice in...

Cuba will remain communist The dictator's brother stated that the" Communist Party will remain in control of Cuba if there is a leadership change." The dictator must have one foot in the grave due to Raul's sudden speeches and hollywood appearances....

Cuba USA
