Cuba's Socialist Renewal turns 1
Cuba USA

Cuba's Socialist Renewal turns 1

Dear Cuba's Socialist Renewal readers, a year ago today I launched this blog in the hope that it could make a unique, though very modest, contribution to the Cuba solidarity movement and to the wider cause of understanding the socialist renewal process underway on the archipelago.

It seemed to me that there was an unfilled niche for an online publication that would make available to English-speaking audiences more of the Cuban debate. 
I'm pleased with what it has accomplished in its first year. For me, it has been an immensely rewarding labour of love and I look forward to keeping up the translations and commentaries in 2012. 

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you, the readers of this blog, for the encouragement and support that many of you have contributed to this project in different waysTo those of you who have sent encouraging emails or reader's comments, each and every one is appreciated. Cyberspace can be a lonely frontier; sometimes it feels as if one is casting into the void. These supportive messages are the spiritual fuel that keeps me going. 

I'd also like to thank those of you who have contributed constructive criticism, which is most welcome and also appreciated. If there's something you don't like, or some way that you feel this blog could be improved, please let me know.

In particular, I'd like to thank Maria Voukelatos for her constant encouragement and for putting up with my late-night translation indulgences; my Jack Russell terrier Chocolate for her super-canine patience; and David Cameron for pointing out grammatical and typographical errors in some of the published translations.

I'd also like to give special thanks to Owen Richards, Barbara Rojas, Walter Lippmann, Terry Townsend, Norman Girvan, Arnold August, Camila Piñeiro Harnecker, Michael Lebowitz and Paul Greene for their support and encouragement.

And to all of Cuba's revolutionaries, the ultimate source of my inspiration.

Marce Cameron
Sydney, Australia 



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Cuba USA
