CUBA: Horse excrement thrown against home of activist
Cuba USA

CUBA: Horse excrement thrown against home of activist

Santa Clara, Cuba. November 21, 2013
Horse excrement was thrown this past Tuesday, November 19, against the home of Damaris Moya Portieles who is the president of the Central Opposition Coalition in the city of Santa Clara located in the central province of Villa Clara. According to Moya Portieles this is the result of the activism she is carrying out with other human rights defenders of the Central Coalition Opposition and the Front of National Resistance Orlando Zapata Tamayo. She added that her three year old son became ill with fever after stepping on the excrement.
Further details in the audio from Cuba (1:04 min.):
Santa Clara, Cuba. 21 de noviembre, 2013
Turbas del régimen lanzaron excrementos de caballo a la vivienda de Damaris Moya Portieles, presidenta de la Coalición Central Opositora, en la ciudad de Santa Clara, Villa Clara el pasado martes 19 de noviembre. Moya Portieles afirma que esto ha sucedido por el activismo que lleva junto a otros activistas de la Coalicion Central Opositora y el Frente Nacional de Resistencia OZT. Agrega que su hijo menor de edad (3 a~nos) se cayó encima del excremento y ahora tiene fiebre.
Mayor detalles en el audio desde Cuba (1:04 min.):
Human Rights Defender

Coalition of Cuban-American Women
Email: [email protected]

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Cuba USA
