Can you hear me now?
Cuba USA

Can you hear me now?

Saint raulita has now lifted the restrictions for cellphones. Now ALL Cubans can buy cellphones!
One problem; Cubans on average earn about $20 a month and cell phones in Cuba are selling for $260 and above. Do the math all those Einstein's in the media!

We are in the 21st century and Cuba, just now, is allowing it's citizens access to cellphones? By gosh Saint raulita is JUST NOW allowing toasters and microwaves? Que mier.. es el apartheid dictatorship of Cuba!

My FREEDOM loving brethren, it's still not FREEDOM!

- Saint Raulita Allows Cubans To Stay In Hotels
Saint raulita "Gorbachev" now is lifting the ban allowing Cubans to stay in hotels in their own country. So that does prove for 49 years a apartheid system did exist in Cuba. All we got was TOTAL SILENCE from all the supposed human rights activist and...

- "generacion Y" Blog Blocked In Apartheid Cuba
The kindlier and gentler apartheid regime of raulita has blocked the blog of Yoani Sanchez inside of Cuba. While the media and some bloggers are praising raulita like he's some sort of saint or the catalyst for FREEDOM. He's using the Chinese...

- Thanks For The Gum Ball?
Apartheid Cuba has lifted the restrictions on computer and DVD sales according to news reports. Does that mean they can surf the Internet FREELY? C'mon where's the beef? I thought the revolution gives you everything? Well not toasters until 2010...

- Raulita With More Votes Than Fifo?
Hook, line, and sinker... the media again gullible with everything dealing with apartheid Cuba. raulita has been in control for a while despite the undemocratic manipulative voting. The apartheid dictator has been basically set out for pasture in his...

- Saint Anthony Mary Claret
Today is the feast day of Saint Anthony Mary Claret. Let us ask God through the intercession of St. Anthony Mary Claret for a FREE Cuba and to the end the apartheid system in Cuba. Why this saint? He spent time in Cuba and just a little backgound: "Then...

Cuba USA
