Bejing Human Rights activist disappears on eve of Olympics
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Bejing Human Rights activist disappears on eve of Olympics

From the Status of the Chinese People :

Chinese Human Rights Defenders, August 9, 2008) – Zeng Jinyan (曾金燕), a Beijing-based human rights activist, disappeared on August 7. All attempts to contact her have failed. It is feared that Zeng has been taken into police custody and might be mistreated.
Zeng has been under intermittent residential surveillance for the last two years by police from the National Security Unit under Beijing Public Security Bureau (PSB). Since her husband and fellow human rights activist, Hu Jia (胡佳) was taken into detention on December 27, 2007, Zeng has been under tightened residential surveillance. Journalists who attempted to visit her at her apartment were turned back by those guarding her. As the Olympics open in Beijing, it is believed that Zeng was taken away to ensure that no journalists will have access to her and that she will be unable to speak out about Hu Jia during the Games.
“The Beijing police are either so incompetent that they would let her disappear under their nose or that they must be responsible for taking her away. How can a young woman with an infant child ’sabotage’ the Olympics while under such heavy and round-the-clock police presence?” asked a friend of Zeng……. (
more details from Chinese Human Rights Defenders)

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