alive or deadorex?
Cuba USA

alive or deadorex?

Last week rumors were swirling that the "Reflective" Adidas clad dictator was flung into a emergency operation and no one knows the outcome. We have been burnt so many times before on this issue and the apartheid dictatorship are the ones usually behind these rumors. El Cafe Cubano does not pretend to have "secret contacts" or have "the inside scoop" on these things. I do receive e-mails from the island, but nothing highly secretive. you think he has kicked the bucket?

- Coma?
Rumors are swirling around that the dictator of Cuba is in a coma and gravely ill...please these are just rumors and nothing has been confirmed. We have been burned many times before, and I am very skeptical of this news. I am sure we will get the real...

- Well I Know It's Not Rumor Friday Yet...
Remember my FREEDOM loving brethren to read these rumors in a low whisper. "Tricky Ricky" alarcon was in Canada yesterday and when pressed about the dictator: NOTHING? Exit plans "tricky ricky?" raulita has not been seen since his fashion trip to italia...

- Anouncement Of The Death Of A Dictator????
Rumors are swirling all over Miami about the apartheid dictator. Several of the FREEDOM fighter blogs have posted some information: CB at Killcastro. Val at Babalu. Fantomas at Abajo Fidel. El Gusano at La Contra Revolucion. Tomas at Today's Tomás...

- Is It Alive Or Deadorex?
Please read this in a very low whisper! No, lower my FREEDOM loving brethren! Rumors are flying concerning the diverticulitis dictator. Is he dead or alive? Has he been dead for awhile? Well, who would know since the dictatorship has lied since day one....

- Dictator Dead?
Rumors are swirling that the dictator is dead? As you know we have heard this many times before only to be burnt. Now it seems that the dictator in waiting brother has taken over the day to day operations and making more appearances. What does this mean?...

Cuba USA
