A Cuban Rap for Jay-Z
Cuba USA

A Cuban Rap for Jay-Z

Jay-Z just came out with his new rap about his Cuba trip: Here is a Cuban rap for Jay-Z from El Cafe Cubano:

A Cuban Rap for Jay-Z

Hey Jay-Z all we want is Cuba to be FREE
Not all ur phony hood and phony tough celebrity
You think your so hood and so tough with your new rap and trip to Cuba
Boy from the hood? Ya’ll have a TON of money and sip brandy?
Are ya’ll in Cuba for an anniversary?
Or ya’ll trying to deflect attention away from Yoani?
Ya’ll going to learn today…
Ya'll going to learn today...
You say ya’ll luv Cubans, but you ignore our suffering, we are the ones confused??
Ya’ll going to learn today….
If Cuba is so great, why do they all want to vacate?
Ya’ll going to learn today….
Longest held Political prisoner……Nelson Mandela???
Ya’ll REALLY going to learn today……..
30 years as a political prisoner and tortured by the Castro regime…. it was a broder named  Eusebio Penalver!
Where were all ya’ll and ur rhymes during those days?
Now he was REALLY TOUGH, 30 years of torture because of his philosophy!
Ya’ll REALLY going to learn today, NO JODAS
You so cool wearing a che guevera t-shirt Ya’ll going to learn today…
Che executed hundreds of Cubans
Jay-Z you are REALLY going to be SCHOCKED TODAY,

Che Guevera said this ya’ll: “The black is indolent and lazy, and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent.”

I bet ya’ll did not know that until today ....
I bet ya'll  did not know that until today
Are ya'll still going to wear that che t-shirt today?
Sorry to say….Beyonce dancing is nothing compared to the Cuban women of yesterday and of today!

Jay-Z please stop the comemierderia today!

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Cuba USA
