"lap dog" Roque yelps
Cuba USA

"lap dog" Roque yelps

Here we go again with another humdinger piece from Anita "snow job." Talking to reporters roque yelped about how easing the embargo will ease recovery efforts. Well...for starters why don't we take BACK ALL THE MONEY THE REGIME STOLE from the Cuban people...including "lap dog's" houses and all the extravaganzas of the mr. Adidas and his clan...why doesn't the communist dictatorship allow the Red Cross or other agencies bring help?

simple..give Cuba back to the people.. recovery from hurricane Ike and the last 50 years will happen!

- Time For A Caption Contest!
El Cafe Cubano thought this would be the best time to hold a new caption contest in honor of the chinese dictatorship visit to the dictatorship of Cuba. Doesn't fifo look well in that new Adidas outfit? Please my FREEDOM-loving brethren don't...

- 100,000 Homes Damaged In Cuba!
From the La Nueva Cuba : HURRICANE Gustav damaged 100,000 homes and devastated schools, power supplies and tobacco crops in western Cuba, officials said today, as Fidel Castro hailed preparations that prevented any deaths. Gustav, which killed more than...

- Saint Raulita By Anita Snow
Anita Snow is nominating raulita for sainthood according to this article. This article has "snow job" written all over it. The raulita plan has been into effect for some time, first the fading away of the adidas dictator, second the rumors of the dictator's...

- Last Ditch Effort
Since the apartheid Adidas wearing dictator has been regulated to blogging duties, a pattern has developed since the failing of the dictator both physically and mentally. In the media all we hear about is how the embargo(What Embargo?) should be lifted...

- Let's Really Talk About Taboos!
Charles"raspy" Rangel and Jeff "snow' Flake have laid out what they call a "comprehensive" plan concerning relations with Cuba."Snow" Flake will even headline a forum called:"21st Century US-Cuba Policy Initiative." The talk is always about the fascination...

Cuba USA
