"Homeless Cuban exile can't get help"
Cuba USA

"Homeless Cuban exile can't get help"

Find it in your heart to help Florestán Ors, a homeless Cuban exile. Yes, he should of legalized his status, but the situation now is that he is homeless and without papers. I am going to find out how to set up an account to help our brother in need and for others!

Remember my brethren who WE are and where WE come from and what WE stand for!

Looking back at my childhood and remembering the generosity and the example of my parents, Cuban exiles, who came over with nothing(just like millions of our fellow brethren) are the most generous and compassionate people, unlike what the media portrays. WE lived it my brethren!

So my fellow brethren, God Bless you and please help out our brethren!

Can I hear an Amen!!!!!!!!

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Cuba USA
