"Cuba's 2011 sugar production will be similar to or slightly higher than last year's total, which was the worst in more than a century"
Cuba USA

"Cuba's 2011 sugar production will be similar to or slightly higher than last year's total, which was the worst in more than a century"

"Cuba used to be a world leader in sugar, annually producing 6 million to 7 million tons" and now with the communist dictatorship only producing 1.23 million tons of sugar per year.

Just another example of destruction done by the communist dictatorship of 52 years!

- Was It Worth It?
Even after 54 years all you see when it concerns "Cuba," the pontificators are quick to point out "Cuban Exiles" are the source of all Cuba's ills. This is sickening and tears at the heart of every Cuban. Let's see, who has been in power...

- No Cuban Coffee?
Cuba-  "worst coffee harvest in history last year, with production plummeting to 5,500 tons." What? Cuba use to be the world's top coffee exporter before the destructo bros took over. I say..I say..how is it a TROPICAL island like Cuba can...

- "cuba Has Bloated Payrolls, Castro Says"
I came across this article and somehow it declares a "stunning" figure: "The stunning figure was revealed by Cuban leader Raul Castro himself: The Cuban government and its enterprises might have more than 1 million excess workers on their payrolls....

- Sugar Daddy To The Rescue!
Sugar daddy Russia back into familiar terms with apartheid cuba loaning these mafia cronies 355 million dollars! Click here for the info....

No matter how you slice it up! Just wondering why the MSM is totally oblivious to the real situation in Cuba and clueless when it comes to Cuban-Americans? I don't have an answer, but as the years pass by you get the feeling that it's not ignorance,...

Cuba USA
