"Cuba to axe one million state jobs"
Cuba USA

"Cuba to axe one million state jobs"

Communist Cuba announced it will cut one million state jobs and SUPPOSEDLY encourage small business. I wonder if it has to do with the TOTAL INEPTNESS of the Cuban dictatorship? Soon will will be hearing that it's those pesky exiles or the embargo's fault. Meanwhile 51 years of destroying and pilfering and the press releases are jumping with excitement, but fail to mention the castro fiasco of 51 years?

Just wondering if some of those state jobs cut are:

-Guards at jails where political prisoners are held?
-maintenance of all of the castro klan? (can save MILLIONS HERE!)
-Those on every block who spy on neighbors in the name of the robalution?
- Will Gabriel García Márquez's house(that was stolen) in Cuber be returned and all his "PERKS" that he recieves returned(You can save a lot of money here!)

- Cuba For Dummies!
Everyone is abuzz about the improved relations between the USA and Cuba! The Pope is about to visit Cuba next month! To help with this, El Cafe Cubano will run a daily post on "tips" about Cuba, Cuban exiles, and everything having to do with Cuba.........

- "cuba To Cut Soap And Toothpaste From Monthly Ration"
The dictatorship in Cuba having been in power closing in on 52 years....have completely dismantled the Cuban people and the country! Now the commies in power add another ingenius ploy to save the "revolution" by ironically moving away from subsidies(well,...

- "texas Rice Farmers Hopeful For End To Cuba Embargo"
This here Cuban-Texan cames across this article from the fellow FREEDOM fighting blog Babalu. Ya'll this here article is about some fellow Texans hooting and hollering in Egypt, Texas about ending the embargo.This dawg was fixing just to read this...

- "nagin Talks Natural Disasters In Cuba"-updated***
Mayor Ray Nagin of New Orleans is in Cuba for six days to "study the communist government's disaster response system." What? visiting a country that can't even feed its own people? When the destructive commie brothers took power, Cuba was one...

Bama now dealing with the devil Another deal inked in blood of the Cuban people. Apartheid Cuba will buy $20 million in goods from Alabama. You've got to love this: On Wednesday, members of the visiting Alabama trade delegation also read two resolutions...

Cuba USA
