"Cuba, FARC may be training guerrillas at Venezuelan camp"
Cuba USA

"Cuba, FARC may be training guerrillas at Venezuelan camp"

No it can't be? Cuba and the FARC training guerillas in Venezuela? Why how can that be since dictator castro was not a communist, chavez never had ties to mr. adidas, the FARC(laughable) has ties to Cuba, and ortega is now reformed!


remember how many times we heard this before??? How many times were we right... yet we are ignored???

- Peace In Colombia???
Peace talks  behind closed doors between Colombian officials and the FARC are being held in Havana, Cuba. Cuba??? The same dictatorship in Cuba that has aided and trained the FARC for decades!! Are you kidding me? That is like...

- Retired Venezuelan General Has Ties To Drug Trafficking, Colombian Marxist Rebels
What? A Venezuelan general has ties to drug trafficking? NO,NO, it can't be Alfredo......21st century socialism is the pure, for the poor, and for the good of mankind. and... NO WAY the FARC are marxist rebels(I was laughed out of a room...

- Íngrid Betancourt Elogia A Hugo Chávez
La ex candidata presidencial consideró al presidente de Venezuela un gran líder democrático. "Lo que puedo decir es que considero a Chávez un gran líder y un líder democrático desde el momento en que ha sido elegido democráticamente", afirmó...

- What About The Other 700 Hostages?
Don't get me wrong, we are happy that ONLY 2 hostages were released by the FARC/Chavez/Castro coalition. What about the other 700 hostages? Why does mini-me chavez have to hold the granddaughter of Consuelo Gonzalez? A REAL humanitarian gesture would...

Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Stands up to Cuba and Venezuela Now we know why Castro did not show up 15th Iberoamerican Summitt. Thanks to the courage of Alvaro Uribe calling it like it is: "Terrorist Groups" Standing up to evil in Colombia Terrorism...

Cuba USA
