Cuba USA

15th Iberoamerican Summitt

Partners in crime Castro and mini-me are to attend this summitt to spread the absurd ideology of communism:

"Castro highlights summit's guest listSpain expects Cuban leader Fidel Castro to attend a meeting of leaders of Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking nations from Europe and Latin America. By CIARAN GILESAssociated Press

SALAMANCA, Spain - The Spanish government is bracing itself for a rare appearance by Cuban leader Fidel Castro at a summit due to take place here later this week.
Castro, 79, who rarely travels any great distances, has been invited to the 15th Iberoamerican Summit due to take place in the western city of Salamanca on Friday and Saturday, along with leaders and heads of state of Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking nations from Europe and Latin America.
''As far as we know, everybody is coming,'' said Deputy Prime Minister Maria Teresa Fernández de la Vega.
It was not clear whether Guatemala and El Salvador would send high-level delegates in the wake of the effects of Hurricane Stan.
The hotel reservation requirement for the Cuban delegation is nearly twice the normal number of rooms when the Cuban leader travels with it, and so far the booking is for the full amount, the spokesman said, indicating it was likely Castro would attend.
The prospect of a meeting between Castro and close ally Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez at the summit has caused Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero's government some concern.
''Zapatero fears the effect of Castro and Chávez at the Salamanca summit,'' said newspaper El País.
''We've held 14 summits so far and want this, the 15th, to tackle serious issues,'' the spokesman said.
El País said that Castro and Chávez could use the summit to seek support for their stance on the Luis Posada Carriles case. Posada, a vehement anti-Castro Cuban militant, is wanted by Cuban and Venezuelan courts. Posada, a naturalized Venezuelan and one-time CIA operative, is accused of masterminding from Caracas a bombing in which a Cubana Airlines plane traveling from Barbados to Havana exploded in the air on Oct. 6, 1976. He has denied involvement.
A Venezuelan military court tried and acquitted Posada of the bombing, but the decision was later overturned and a civilian court case convened.
Posada then escaped from a Venezuelan jail in 1985 before the civilian trial was completed, reportedly paying a $28,600 bribe to secure escape.
Tackling Cuba's human rights position is another diplomatically difficult area for Zapatero's government if the Cuban leader arrives. ''Human rights will definitely be discussed and will be included in the final declaration,'' said Fernández de la Vega.
United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan was scheduled to visit the summit as a special guest. Around 100 business leaders were expected to attend meetings on the fringe of the summit to discuss how to improve trading conditions and prosperity in the areas represented."

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Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Stands up to Cuba and Venezuela Now we know why Castro did not show up 15th Iberoamerican Summitt. Thanks to the courage of Alvaro Uribe calling it like it is: "Terrorist Groups" Standing up to evil in Colombia Terrorism...

Posada will not be deported to Cuba or Venezuela "Immigration Judge William Abbott found that Posada, a former CIA operative wanted by Venezuela for trial in a 1976 Cuban airliner bombing that killed 73 people, faced the threat of torture in those countries...

Looks like Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro are going to attend the U.N. Summit in New York City on September 14-16. As you know all the useful idiotswill come out full force in the media and print. Jesse Jackson is in Venezuela doing the "Dictactorships...

Cuba USA
