Cuba USA

Che Guevara Posters

Driving home last night, my daughter yells "Dad, look at the CD Warehouse window" I caught a glimpse, so I turned around for another look and wouldn't you believe it right there on the window a huge Che Guevara poster! I do not know if it's just this store or if it's corporate policy and all the stores proudly promote this. I have homework for all my freedom loving brethren, check out your local CD warehouse and see if they have the brutal terrorist displayed proudly, and if they do, contact the corporate office and do something for those who were butchered or killed in the name of communism.

- Apology
I want to start out by apologizing for my post yesterday. I let my emotions and my anger get to me. My "soul searching" involved going to mass this morning. Here I am feeling all down and angry while entering my local church. I enter the church and on...

- Veterans Day
Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thru...

Media Bashing I know I am going to catch some flak for this, but I am going to harp on this until no end. So, here it goes again: "The Spanish media sucks here in the U.S." Why? It's because of their one-sideness of which group they target and what...

"----- You Bud Selig" Puerto Rican officials have the courage and know the meaning of FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. From the Real Cuba: Here is what Puerto Rico Police Superintendent Pedro Toledo told the Miami Herald: ''I am in agreement with freedom...

Code Commies My freedom loving brethren, I try not to repeat what my other freedom loving blogs post, but Val at Babalu posted about a group called "Code Pink." They are basically another Castro front group . I believe Code Pink deserves the come mier.....

Cuba USA
