Cuba USA

Please Support These Sites

Came across these interesting sites. The more sites we have dedicated to the "truth" about Cuba the better. Please give them your support:

- Election Day In Venezuela
We all pretty much can guess the outcome of the elections today. The chavistas will rabble rouse and manipulate the results, but if you want to keep up with the latest, you can check out these sites in Venezuela:

- Happy New Year!
If you have a special message or a special message to the people of Cuba, please leave a comment. THEY DO read our sites in clandestine. I can't tell you that 2008 WILL be the year that Cuba will be FREED from its bondage due to the apartheid dictatorship....

- Don't Travel To Cuba
Check out these sites on the real situation in the apartheid country called Cuba. Check out the title of these sites! H/T to Enrique at Abajo Fidel...

Interview with Marta Beatriz Roque (Photo from Asamblea para Promover la Sociedad) Many of the freedom loving sites have posted this interview. If you have not listened to this interview, please do! This brave freedom fighter needs our prayers and...

- What Is Cubanews Afraid Of?
Does the Internet broaden or narrow one's viewpoint? We obviously have potential access to more information than ever before, but do we actually see more varied opinions? Some of us narrow our exposure to serendipitous and challenging information...

Cuba USA
