Cuba USA

Commies Blame Everyone Else

Sean Penn blames George W. Bush for his smoking. This deserves the come mierda of the day award. Here is the shakespearean actor's reasoning:

The Oscar winner told the audience at an anti-war forum hosted by the Progressive Democrats of America in Sacramento, Calif. the other night that the stress of living under the Bush administration is making it impossible for him to quit smoking, the PDA’s Web site reported.

- Hard To Be Humble Award
Dictator of Cuba boasting of his recovery all due to his the award for being hard to be humble goes to the dictator of Cuba. It was hard to pick a winner, because both the dictator and St. Ortega were running neck to neck for this award....

Mini-me says: "Bush worse than Hitler" Wait a minute, didn't Mini-me make anti-jewish statements, doesn't support Israel, and is taking basic freedoms away from the Venezuelan people? Seems like the name calling is misdirected at the wrong person...

Sheehan calls Bush a "terrorist" Can you believe this? Not only is she french kissing mini-me, now she wants to set up a tent with min-me in Crawford, and the lowest of the lows calling Bush a "terrorist." One word comes to mind: "Traitor" Quotes from...

Mr. "Day-O" calls Bush "Greatest Terrorist" Come mierda Harry Belafonte calls Bush: "Greatest Terrorist in the world" and rambles on: "Viva la revolucion!" Mr. "Day-O" a suggestion to you: Why don't you go live in Cuba or Cubazuela and then criticize...

Latest comments from the Fan Brigade Castro fan brigade member Jose Serrano, who represents Cuba, excuse me I mean the U.S. Congressman from New York, again opens his arm to tyrants and introduces Chavez last week with these remarks : "President Chávez...

Cuba USA
