Cuba USA

We will never forget!

The media of course will ignore the anniversary of the shootdown of the Brothers to the Resue aircraft. My freedom loving brethren who are on the blog roll to your right, have not forgotten and continue to bring you the truth.

We will never forget, just as we will never forget those who were executed shouting" Viva Cuba! Viva Christ the King! Down with Communism!'

No, we will not have "socialism or death" we want FREEDOM and LIFE!

We will never forget:

Armando Alejandre

Mario de la Pina

Carlos Costa

Pablo Morales

- Reminder: Friday Fast For All Political Prisoners In Cuba, For Venezuela, And In Memory Of Our Dear Brother Tocororo Libre!
My fellow FREEDOM fighters their have been some misconceptions concerning the fast. First: "Do I have to fast all day?" No! the fast is just being conducted on Friday mornings. You can set your hours and how far you want to take this! El Café Cubano...

- Reminder: Friday Fast For All Political Prisoners In Cuba
My fellow FREEDOM fighters their have been some misconceptions concerning the fast. First: "Do I have to fast all day?" No! the fast is just being conducted on Friday mornings. You can set your hours and how far you want to take this! El Café Cubano...

- Fast Every Friday For All Political Prisoners In Cuba!
My fellow FREEDOM fighters their have been some misconceptions concerning the fast. First: "Do I have to fast all day?" No! the fast is just being conducted on Friday mornings. You can set your hours and how far you want to take this! El Café Cubano...

- A New Motto: Cuba Libre Y Vida!
Commies have their own language or better yet, the obnoxious mantra or stupid sound bite themes such as "socialism or death." As stupid or idiotic as they may be, the commie apartheid dictatorship have been successful in swindling journalist and ignorant...

- Calling For A Fast For Fariñas And All Political Prisoners!
My freedom loving brethren we have done a fast for Mr. Farinas several times in the past. Mr. Fariñas is currently under house arrest and slowly recuperating after his hunger strike, but he is still not allowed to access the internet. Political prisoners...

Cuba USA
