Cuba USA

The nerve of "Tricky Ricky"

Tricky Ricky not even challenged at the Hispanic media convention. When asked about the imprisoned journalists, the commie dictator suck up responded:

"Those reports are fairly exaggerated," said Speaker Ricardo Alarcon, saying those who were imprisoned were agents of the United States.

and get this BS:

He also blamed the U.S. embargo for the lack of Internet access in his communist country and denied reports that President
Fidel Castro' 80, suffered from a disease such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

Commies never really want to be challenged or really debated because they will be defeated every time. They always silence the opposition by force and intimidation. To bad they won't let the FREEDOM Fighters to my right ask "Tricky Ricky" real questions!!!

- Ricardo "tricky Ricky" Alarcon Upset Over Verdict In Posada Trial
The Cuban dictatorship and Ricardo"Tricky Ricky" Alarcon are having a hissy fit because THEY did not get their way in regards to the Posada trial. The Cuban dictatorship only knows one word "GUILTY" in regards to their shams of so called trials...

- "tricky Ricky" Alarcon Can't Answer Simple Questions!
Click on the title to see the video of tricky ricky answering questions from students. Tricky ricky didn't answer one question! You can't polish a turd or put lipstick on a pig. Cuba has an apartheid repressive dictatorship! Lies, lies, and lies!!!!...

- Well I Know It's Not Rumor Friday Yet...
Remember my FREEDOM loving brethren to read these rumors in a low whisper. "Tricky Ricky" alarcon was in Canada yesterday and when pressed about the dictator: NOTHING? Exit plans "tricky ricky?" raulita has not been seen since his fashion trip to italia...

- Time To Celebrate?
Is the dictator dead or alive? According to Ricardo "Tricky Ricky" Alarcon everything seems fine and dandy, thanks Mr. Beacon of truth! By the way, why don't you reveal the type of surgery and grant open access to the media? Got to love this: Alarcon...

Cubans protesting at Summit? Ricardo(Tricky Ricky) Alarcon and 300 Cubans are gathered in Argentina to protest the summit. Wait a minute Tricky Ricky, just like the people of Cuba are allowed to protest? You will get your photo opportunities, give cream...

Cuba USA
