The dictator's favorite blogger?
Cuba USA

The dictator's favorite blogger?

H/T to a fellow FREEDOM fighter for this picture. Gracias for all your help mi hermano!

- Un Nuevo Comienzo ???????
H/T to fellow FREEDOM fighter Fantomas!! Thanks mi hermano!...

- Cuban Resistance Video Report From Tomas Estrada-palma
Fellow FREEDOM fighter Tomas Estrada-Palma, has the first Cuban resistance video report, with many to follow! The media will not report the truth, the U.N. turns it's back, and the collaborators continue helping the apartheid dictatorship. So step...

- What Revolution?
Fellow FREEDOM fighter Jose Reyes at Cubanology, again comes out with another blockbuster article! Te la comistes mi hermano!...

- Tumba De Antonio Maceo
Correction: TUMBA de Antonio Maceo H/T to a fellow FREEDOM fighter who wants to remain anonymous. Thanks mi hermano!...

- Debriefing A La Quiroga Style
Fellow freedom fighter, music critic, and avid intellectual CB at Killcastro, has a post from the very eloquent writing of freedom fighter Alberto Quiroga. Now get ready for the debriefing!!!...

Cuba USA
