Olympic Opening Ceremonies
Cuba USA

Olympic Opening Ceremonies

I am watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games in Beijing and several thoughts have crossed my mind. Yes, it's impressive and entertaining but at the same time I had a eerie feeling. How about you? I was so sick of the announcers going on with statements like "modern China" and most SICKENING was the repeated phrase uttered by Bob Costas that China will take over the U.S.A. in the medal count.


GO USA and quit foaming over a communist country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. click on the title of this post and check out what Bob and other journalist will not mention.

- Historic Arrest In Cuba
Last Friday the word "HISTORIC" was blindly used by newscasters and journalist in describing the US Embassy opening in Havana. A poem was even read by a Cuban-American(my poem was not recited) even though dissidents were left out of the ceremonies....

- China: Call For Human Rights At Beijing Olympics
Václav Havel, Desmond Tutu, Wei Jingsheng and Members of European Parliament, etc. call for Human Rights at Beijing Olympics Open Letter / Appeal http://www.olympicwatch.org/news.php?id=124 July 31, 2008 Dear Olympic Games Participants, The selection...

- "china Christian Leader Forced To Live On Streets For Meeting With Westerners"
From Status of the Chinese People : China Aid Association, Inc. Jul 18 2008- Beijing- CAA has learned that on July 6, 2008 Pastor Bike Zhang , chairman of the Federation House Church and his wife, Xie Fenglan, were forced to leave their home in Chaoyang...

- Chinese To Play God?
"If bad weather threatens the August 8 opening of Beijing's Olympic Games, then meteorologists may change the weather, according to a Chinese meteorology official. " What? Can you believe this! Commies as usual thinking that humans are the super...

- The Dictator Misses The Opening Of His Birthday Celebrations
The dictator officially missing the opening ceremonies of the birthday "bash." The dictatorcizes must not be working and who knows what the incoherent apartheid dictator will say! Time to blow out the candles concerning the dictator and time to blow out...

Cuba USA
